So I had a game against my friends as Pantheon last night. As I was playing against my friends, I tried extra hard to not die at the start, which worked well. I underestimated how useful simply farming is. The 2 opponents in my lane kept targeting me, but I'd just run back when they tried to get me, and keep spearing their face whenever possible. I'd then jump at them if they were on low enough health to get a kill.

I start with boots + 3 hp which is standard.

I then go for zeal as soon as possible, so I can get my passive block back faster and pursue enemies better (obviously fleeing too).

The next item is then mercury's treads, so I can again improve my speed but also gain some extra defence. In some circumstances I will get ninja tabi for the armour instead.

This is where I hit my problem. The next thing I aim for is phage, followed by sheen, followed by trinity force, but it seems that getting to trinity force is very very slow and I don't gain as much power as my enemies. I guess I could grab phage and then get part of maw of malmortius before finally getting sheen + trinity force. I will try other combinations, but trinity force is so useful for me as all 3 parts massively help me.