It seems everytime I'm in a match against Hecarim that he's just way over powered. Being a jungler I feel that his speed at the very least or speed enhancing abilities need to be nerfed. There isn't any other jungle class that requires multiple wards just to get away from. His speed and oftentimes damage is just outrageous and even if you do get him down he can get away too easily.

I'm sure this isn't an issue in ranked play where you can setup to counter that pick or ban him but in blind pick he's a nightmare. If they don't balance some of these classes out it makes unranked play a huge waste of time when the team composition is mismatched. They should either start nerfing some of these classes like Hecarim or allow a quicker surrender vote of 5 minutes.

Oftentimes in the first 5 minutes you can tell if it's a blow out, otherwise, some type of Mercy rule should be added where if you're down by 10 kills in 5 minutes you can forfeit without penalty. Most of the time I just want to play a fair and challenging match but I don't want to be forced to sit there for 20 minutes just to surrender when it's apparent the game is lopsided in the first 5 minutes.