So in this all middle completely random 5v5 match up, the concept may be good but the map and mechanics are actually ******ed. If the point is to send 5 champions straight into each other without much room to move to have a bunch of cool team fights the map should honestly be made wider not longer, it's way too long and narrow and poorly made.

Some width to the lane would allow for more flanking, instead champions are restricted at what they can do, it forces champions that were not designed for head to head combat, into head to head combat.

For this type of purpose, the laning concept should just go away completely. It would be neater to allow an open nexus design where the base is circular so say 4 turrets positioned in a square type format with inhibitors behind and the nexus in the very center so that the base can be attacked from all sides. Or at least at least a half circle type setup for each base like Howling Abyss would work but keeping it all in one wider lane.

They could have taken Howling Abyss setup and shrunk it down so it was really really small and turned the entire map into just one lane and it would have been awesome to go head to head on.

The other problem with the map is minions. There are two things that could be done. If we keep the same setup the minions should continuously flow so there is a steady stream going at each other or they should be sped up 3x as fast to match the number of minions released in Howling Abyss where there are 3 lanes since they are both 5 player maps.

It makes almost no sense to even have minions in this map that come out at the speed of a single lane and have to travel 800 miles across the map. What's the point? More minions would allow for teams to take on turrets without having to wait and also make it so teams or champions that are better designed at killing minions could actually do something beneficial in the match. Why is there one lane worth of minions for a lane filled with 5 champions?

The other suggestion is to either reduce turret damage and remove minions completely or make it so turrets can only attack champions if they hit an opposing champion within the range of the turret, otherwise they could only hit minions or not shoot. Having turrets on this map is kind of stupid, of course the team wants a defensive advantage but turrets are too powerful in this setup when there are no minions coming down the line.

Turrets could also just become structures that need to be destroyed that return a percentage of damage to the attacker. They could regenerate hitpoints or maybe they don't, but this would give the enemy team an advantage without having stupid turrets firing at champions. They could also be stable structures that give off an aura to increase stats by 5% or something to the team the structure belongs too.

The damage return the champions receive could make it so they can't just walk in and destroy them without losing health per hit and this gives the enemy team time to respawn and recover which I think is the main point of turrets anyways, just to slow down the enemy team. Structures with hitpoints would do that then the advantage would be given when super minions spawn from an inhibitor being destroyed.

I'm just not pleased with Howling Abyssa, I like the concept of random matchups, but Howlying Abyss is just poorly done. I really enjoy being able to learn new champions without being at a disadvantage against a player who only plays one champion and the quickness of the game is very nice too when I don't have time.