A lot of people complain about their teams and when friends come to me and ask what they can do in certain situations in order to not lose a game that is going poorly they pretty much always state that it was out of their hands because "bot fed" or "top did nothing but farmed and never actually joined in the teamfights when we needed."

Statements like the ones listed above bother me because there is always something that you could have done in order to try to move things into your team's favor. I'm not saying you can win every game just from being clever, but there are things that can be done when it comes to your own gameplay that could have made a difference and it is going back an identifying these instances that will really help you grow as a player.

I'm going to pull a few specific quotes from a statement sent out by Scarra yesterday that is an honest and true assessment of his gameplay during the LCS Allstar competition to which I respect fully.

"I did not play my best this weekend."

"This game was a combination of matchup inexperience and taking the wrong summoner + item build."

"This matchup is one I actually lacked a lot of practice in. ~ I played the early game ok, being only behind ~12 cs by lvl 6, but I knew the gap would just steadily increase over time unless I could put kill pressure on mid lane."

"For improvement, I should have just looked to coordinate more dives with Saint and pressure top a lot more to speed up the early game. I should have been more impactful in the early-mid transition."

I really do encourage you all to read the entire article here and take a closer look at your play as an individual.

Remember, ultimately everyone playing wants to win more often than they lose... however it is also true that at any given moment 50% of the people playing League are losing. Sure we all run into trolls and such, but that doesn't mean that there isn't something that we could have done differently that might have shut the troll down and gotten him back on track... Chances are if bot lane was losing hard then it needs to be understood by the jungler that bot lane needs to be babysat. Do they have a late game champion? Perhaps that lane should get camped so that it takes them even longer to actually get dangerous. Mid lane or top lane have a global champ that can cause issues for other lanes? Well if you focus that champion then they can't use their global ults to save the rest of their team, but will instead use them in an attempt to simply survive in lane.

By taking a step back and really looking at our gameplay as individuals I think that many of us can get exponentially better because we will have the mindset that we hold the power to change how a game turns out instead of losing because, "team fed, GG..."

Just food for thought, but if you want to get better then this is the way you should go about doing it.