Hello, fellow summoners. I'm Shinzo Ningen, or (As Bane of Lives frequently calls me) Shonzo Nubcan. I main AD Carry and am the selected main for the rag tag team of odd fellows known as Chrono Elite. AD Carry is definitely what I'm best at, but not exactly what I have the most fun with. I mainly say that because I get really frustrated whenever I make a mistake that could be as big as missing an Ez Ult or as small as missing ONE CS early game. For some reason, even in ranked, I'm more cool and collected when I make a mistake playing any other role. You won't see me raging or flaming in ranked or normals, I do apologize a lot, even if it wasn't my fault. That doesn't mean I'm not shouting at my PC at how terrible I did or my teammates, but in chat I do try to keep the team working as a team. If I do lose my cool, it's because I felt personally attacked, not just for my bad playing. Later on in the year I may start a blog about a trek from Level 1 to 30 without spending IP and see where that gets me. I guess until Volemire decides that Chrono Elite is ready for ranked, I'm just gonna keep playing for fun and to get better and avoid ranked, as it generally changes my demeanor for the worse no matter the outcome. Depending on whether I get a new PC or not will determine if I stream that Free-Week trek, whether or not people watch it will have no effect on whether I continue or not, because it will make me feel better just by doing it. I will restrict myself to Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline, but will be open to champion choices during those. I doubt many will read this, but meh, no one will read it if I don't write it. I hope to see some support.

EDIT: THE STREAM HAS BEEN MADE HERE! Though it won't be online until tonight for a test run and tomorrow to actually start streaming as long as things go as planned.

- Happy farming, Shonzo of the Nubcans.