Hey, Chinese Paradise here.

this is my first blog and I just want to say thank you, for taking the time to read this poorly decorated one.
But of course, I wrote this blog for a reason, and the reason is up there in the title.
I would really like to reach out to the LoL community, if there is someone, that can organize tournaments for lower ranked players, < Gold 3 leagues. there are specific reasons I am here requesting this idea.

- First, most lower ranked players, including me, ALWAYS love watching streams and LCS games.
It inspires us to play and get better. Whereas, in ranked 5v5's, we try and recreate that exciting moment making plays and stuff, but, you can get matched up with diamond and plat players. Which is, kind of, stupid. The skill difference is so high, lower ranked players just give up at the start of the game. However, if we have our own tournaments, hosted by a bunch of kindhearted people, (cough) MOBAFIRE COMMUNITY (cough) we can get that kind of competitive scene experience. And with the less elo difference, its a fair game.

-Second. ON this paragraph, I am going to focus on high elo players smurfing to join this tournament. There's not going to be a solution to that. there IS a solution to that. But this might sound weird. First, How about we make MOBAFIRE require a verification from the start of making an account. Second, we make sure people joining the tournament has a minimum of 200 games on that account on ranked. This eliminates atleast 30-40% of the people going to smurf. This is always going to be a problem, but atleast we can try and make this happen.

So I'm reaching out to the MOBAFIRE community. Help me pls. my email is estabillojj@gmail.com