Wow, this website is helpful. That's what I was thinking when I first found it. Nowadays I use it to get the best build possible for any new character I buy. The community is great too. This summer I hope to hit level 30 (I'm only level 19 right now) so that I may play in ranked games. I used to play nothing but Co-Op VS AI, but then I realized something. I'll never get better playing against mindless computers that can't go positive! As infuriating as PvP can be, I have a lot of fun. Even when I get dunked by a bunch of level 30 jerks who think they're SOMETHING ELSE because they can beat people who are more than 10 levels below them. Either way, I'll be active most of the time on here, and I might make a guide or two this summer. (Don't blame me if I suck at it, helping people with this sort of thing isn't my strong point.) Anywho, I'm gonna shove of now, so see you peeps later! Non-senior senior citizen, signing off!