Just got done playing a normal 5s with a friend-of-a-friend whom I have had problems playing with before. Last time she, myself and her friends went up against an organized dedicated 5s team in normals. They whooped our *** all around but didn't rush to take turrets. She and one other decided to block surrender votes, forcing us into playing an hour long game that she herself admitted she knew we would lose. Having wasted about an hour of my life, I was frustrated as piss but tried to be reasonable about it.

Today, she drops me an invite and we go in. Normals, so it's just call order. We call Mid within half a second of each other and despite me clearly having gotten it in first (Confirmed by the rest of the team) she didn't change from her Kat pick or the mentality that she was going mid. So I picked myself Teemo and went solo top where Garen and a jungle Yi fed me and made me feel better about the fact that the one time I attempted to play my favorite lane with her (I usually allow her to have it) she acted ridiculously childish about it.

I started getting fairly fed and by about 20 minutes we were pushing down their mid inhibitor in a push that had involved taking two towers before. We wiped their team twice and as soon as the inhibs went down, no enemies in sight, I figured if they wanted to base race, we would win. High AS/AP Teemo with Nashor's, a decently fed Caitlyn, a Shaco... what could go wrong? Pinged the turrets as I saw the enemy yi push down our bot outer. I managed to shave off about a fourth of a nexus tower's health before I realized my friend, Caitlyn and Shaco have all backed.

In my opinion, that was a push that would have won us the game, so I asked, fairly politely actually if we could stay grouped instead of, frankly, throwing next push.

Apparently not. Next push we knocked down the nexus turrets but Yi went top. Instead of saying "Hey, we've got a massive advantage, let's win..." again Kat, Caitlyn and Shaco backed off, died to Yi but got him away. JAnna and I were killed taking a little over a fourth of the Nexus' health.

I got pretty pissed then. It's that whole 'Repeating a stupid decision even when someone points it out to you' thing that upsets me. To me what I saw was them put more work into NOT winning the game than it would have actually taken to win. Yi managed to take two towers and an inhib while they were backing. That same amount of time would've been enough for us to take a nexus as most of the enemy team was dead or in the jungle... doing Demacia knows what. I kept from getting vulgar but I again floundered on 'patience,' I got pissed and asked them to 'stick together and stop throwing.' I got a bit of lip about it from Shaco, but that's life.

The third push involves Shaco and Caitlyn being kited by the enemy Vayne because they don't apparently attack nexuses. Janna and I were killed again trying to take the nexus. Yi took another inhib and damaged a nexus tower back in our base.

Sure enough, a fourth and final push comes. By this time our base is so beaten up I know if we base race Yi, we NEED to take the nexus this time. So all in again. We were AT their nexus, all in range of damage and then one nexus tower falls and again, that friend, the Caitlyn and the Shaco back off.

They also all die to Yi and he beats Janna and I in a nexus race.

My team went so far out of its way to lose it boggles my mind and my friend who wanted to queue with me joined them in it. I didn't say anything to her, but I'm pretty much convinced I'm not queueing with her again. Period.

I guess this blog post is mostly to say that I am definitely backsliding right now. I mean I've scarily managed to pull my vulgarity under control. I am no longer describing people who do what my team did as '****-eared' because all of the information goes in and out in and out in and out of their ears... I still tend to say '****' or '****ing' but never directed at a person. Even so, I didn't make a promise to myself about cleaning up my language, it was cleaning up my play and keeping myself from being so damn angry.

I think there needs to be a 'Toxic Players Looking To Change' support group or some ****. Who else has had issues keeping their control lately?