First things first: this is gonna be a sad episode of my elo climb diary. But you will get to know.
It already started badly. Duo-queuing with my friend, playing as leona, losing lane to blitzcrank and graves, everything going down, all normal.
Next one, Maokai jungle, enemy team constantly flaming each other, got myself good ganks, easy win in the end.
Next one had a rough start: Jax said he wanted to jungle without smite, I refused heavily, took smite and tried to talk with him. He took red, ganked bot, got a kill and went top afterwards. I jungled pretty well then, got my Mid and Bot fed, so this game was another win for us.
Now comes the great disappointment: I have 99 LP, almost got into promo.
But then this Game happened...
Malphite Top, friend got Sona support, enemy Miss Fortune got feed and CS, we know she must die in every fight. But it happens: I miss her two times with my ult. The result? We lose the game. So malphite has become the same as Renekton for me: I win the lane, but I lose the teamfights for my team. I hope I find some kind of champion that fits me more than my "favorite" champs.
Cya guys