I've been thinking for a while what funny and cool skins would be fun to have in league. After some collaboration with friends and colleagues alike I bring my results.


Ok so even though Udyr got his legendary skin and became part of the meta again I thought of this skin that would be funny. A HULA UDYR skin. Imagine Udyr coming out of the tribush to gank you wearing a leigh and grass skirt. The normal Wilding Claw would be slightly altered making his hands do the little hula dance as he runs. But because he got his ultimate skin it doesn't matter.

Jarvan IV

Now imagine this. Your doing well in top lane farming and snowballing hard when a plastic shovel flys down from the sky and jarvan suddenly appears. Yes I believe SandCastle Jarvan would be a great skin. Imagine him wearing the tower molds for a helmet and a big shovel for his lance. Then the novelty of his ultimate looking like a giant sandcastle. And it would be perfect for Riot's late summer sale.


As a Yorick advocate he really needs a new skin. It's sad to see him lack a funny or even decently cool skin besides the obvious Slash refernce Pentakill Yorick. I'm still uncertain what would be cool but I feel the following might be possible.

Pikmin Yorick: Those ghouls would be hilarous.

Ghostbuster Yorick : again another novelty.

The worlds most interesting man

After a long period of pondering. I came to a conclusion that this sexy beast needs a new skin. It might be beneficial to getting him into the meta again. Make a timelord Zilean based off of the Doctor Who franchise. Now who wouldnt want a Zilean carrying a tardis who puts sonic screwdriver bombs over your head?

Until I think of more goofy/serious stuff to post, ponder what would be a great skin for your favorite champ and post them below.