Hey guys, its Lasty back again with another weekly blog. Sorry for stopping the weekly posts I got really busy with work and Ranked 5's. I'm going to take the 5 best solo-que junglers in order and post a mini guide each week for them. I don't know anything about coding or computers in general so this seems like a decent forum to give you guys my insights into a few champions.

Why play Eve: Eve's invisibility completely changes how the enemy team has to play the game. People generally don't buy many green wards vs an Eve jungle which can open up the door for a lot of objective control and roams from your mid lane. Eve clears incredibly fast, especially after she finishes her first item. She can farm waves when your lanes go back. Its not unheard of to have 130-40 cs by 20 minutes w/ Eve jungle. She has some of the hardest hitting ganks in the game due to her build path and in teamfights she brings a solid initiation ultimate and good damage.

When not to play Eve: Have your solo's locked? Did they pick squishy low cc champions? Don't play Eve. Eve needs a tanky back up initiator to be truly effective. Top generally decides if I'm going to play Eve. Champions that combo well with her are Malphite, Shen, Singed, Nasus, Zac etc. If my top locks Zed I'm probably not going to pick Eve.

Easiest/Toughest Matchup: Eve is fairly squishy especially if you can't ult 2-3 people so invade heavy junglers like Lee Sin and Xin Zhao can give her a ton of trouble. I would probably not pick Eve into Lee Sin. However, any other jungler that tends to stay on their side of the map is easy pickings for Eve. She can safely drop wards in the enemy jungle and once she has Elder Lizard she can rip down camps and counter jungle very effectively. Eve is also very susceptible to counter ganks. Though she does a lot of damage if a 2v2 breaks out 3 minutes in and she gets focused she'll probably die.

Runes: I've experimented with a ton of different rune variations and I've spoken with lots of top Eve players. The general consensus on the correct runes are AD marks (reds), Armor seals (yellows), 5 scaling MR glyphs & 4 flat MR glyphs (blues), and Ability Power quints (quints). This buffs her early clear speed which is her only weakness and it allows her to put out the maximum amount of damage in early ganks. So 8.5 AD, 13 Armor, MR, 15 AP.

Summoners: Flash/Smite. Some people run Ignite/Smite, but that is only for truly expert Eve players. I have a 68% winrate w/ Eve with 40-50 something games played and I still run Flash. It is just such a good ability. The only time I would take Ignite is if they had a lot of healing and we only had 1 ignite on the team. Say vs a Hecarim jungle and Singed top and only your mid is packing ignite.

Masteries: 21-9-0, make sure to get most of the AP masteries but only two points in Arch Mage so you can level Brute Force.

Build: Eve builds mostly damage because she gets a massive shield from her ultimate and it fits her hit and run play style. First back get boots spirit stone. Then rush Spirit of the Elder Lizard. Elder Lizard combos with her Q perfectly. You can absolutely melt people once you have the item. After go ahead and finish Sorc Shoes and Haunting Guise. Now the build can diverge. If they have a lot of tanks you can finish Liandrys for extra %health burn or if they have credible AD threats grab a Seekers. If you're worried about AP damage get an Abyssal. 90% of games my late game build looks like this: Elder Lizard, Sorc Shoes, Liandrys, Zhonyas, Abyssal.

Skill Order: R > Q > E > W you start q, get e at 2 and then if you are going to gank a lane at 3 without slows go ahead and get a 2nd point in q at 3. If they have slows get w.

General Strategy: Eve isn't the strongest counter-ganker. As such you never want to be sitting around waiting for an enemy jungler to show up. Always be moving with Eve. Her unpredictability is her strongest tool. When I jungle I always start the buff my bot lane side is on and then go smite my next buff. On Blue and Purple this puts me between top and mid lane. Early game you want to focus on ganking top and mid as they probably wont have pink wards. Hit and run, make sure to take tons of lane farm and lane xp as you're a carry too. If you send the enemy laner back or kill them shove a wave or two into the tower. In low elo people get flamed for this. In high elo if you don't shove a wave with your laner they get mad at you.

Eve has a really strong ability to 'camp' a lane. If you come mid at 3 minutes and blow the enemies flash go ahead and farm a camp and come back 30 seconds later. Rinse repeat till they ragequit or they are so behind they can't contribute in team fights. 4v5's are really easy to win. The biggest downside to playing Eve is her late game. My build mitigates some of her late game weaknesses but if a game goes to 40 minutes vs a Vayne and a Nasus jungle you're probably going to lose no matter how hard you snowballed the early game. Seek to finish games early as Eve. Encourage your teammates to group for objectives and shove down towers as fast as possible. When the enemy AD can 4 shot you the game becomes a lot less fun.

Tips: Eve requires the most coordination from the laners and the most map awareness to be effective. Did the enemy buy pinks? Where did they put them? You can ask your support to help keep track of that for you. Did the enemy jungler just gank top? Maybe you should gank bottom or call a dragon. If your laners help you out and call out pinks you can bypass them and crush your opponents into dust. Also don't initiate a gank with W. I see this all the time in low elo. You use W DURING a gank once you've been slowed or you need to close some more distance quickly. Don't just press W when you are about to come out of stealth. It looks cool, but you're going to need it if they flash or use an escape.

DAT ULT: Eve's ult got a beating from the nerf stick a while ago. It used to do damage based on % Maximum health now it hits for % current health. Basically you want to hit as many people with it as possible as early into the fight as possible. The more health they have, the more damage its going to do. Don't hold onto the ult in a team fight to pick off stragglers or nuke 1 person down. Shut your eyes at the beg of the fight, pray to the league gods, and try to hit as many people as possible. This maximizes the damage and gives you as big a shield as possible.

Thats about it guys. If this format sucks I'll figure something else out for next week. Try this out in solo que and watch your enemies cry as your elo spikes to over 9000.
