I have been a League of Legends play off and on for the past 3 years. I started mid 2010, and have considered myself a casual player. Lately, I've been really into the game and am looking to improve in any way that I can. This is also the first time that I've seriously considered playing ranked, so my first goal is to get placed in a tier. Since Season 3 has come to an end, I suppose I will hold off on that until Season 4 comes into play, and in the meantime, I'll really zone in on what I can improve on, and what champions I want to completely dominate with.

So far, I'm pretty competent with these champions (from most skilled role to least)

Mid - Katarina, Akali, Diana
Jungle - Nocturne, Udyr, Master Yi
AD Carry - Quinn, Graves, Tristana
Support - Taric, Sona, Soraka
Top - Riven, Fiora, Diana

Of these, I mostly play Akali mid, Udyr jungle, and Quinn for ADC (though Jinx is looking to take one of those spots :D ). If I HAVE to, I'll play Taric support, and rarely will I volunteer to play top (it's always taken anyway).

So that's pretty much the basic groundwork I have, and I'm looking forward to what I can make happen with it!