Battlecast Urgot

Price: 1350 RP
Skin : Imperial

Battlecast Urgot turns the Noxian Executioner into an spiderlike roboter created to kill. There are major changes at almost all parts of Urgot's classic skin.
His modell is changed into a iron-spider robot with increased weaponary like a rocket launcher and an acid cannon.His Acid Hunters(Q) got changed into new rockets with a new sound.His Terror Capacitor shield(W) also got visaully improved.On the top of that his Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser (R) got blue particles which looks awesome.
Also his walking animation got changed a little bit to harmonize with his spider legs.

The Skin Icon is impressive. It presents Urgot in a combat where this machine seems to belong. In the backround you can see a burning forest which adds some combat atmosphere .Urgot is presented mighty and huge and you can see his weapon gear working. A really terrifying and awesome picture.

Overall Battlecast Urgot offers a ton of changes for a legitimate but high price of 1350RP. I highly recommend this skin for players that do not like Urgot's ugly frightening visuals and turn him into something more robotic. Though the body looks a bit cloggy which decreases the rating a bit but if you like to play Urgot you should think about buying this skin.

Rating: 4/5