As some of you must know I'm a main support player. I have a very high interest in everything related to supports, but I like to learn and do things my way. I don't watch streams, tournaments or anything - I just play. I don't intend to be pro, but I'm happy when I learn something new and improve.

So for the last preseason months I've had a very high interest in the new gold items. I love them - hence the second part in Gold Items discussion in my blog.
After playing out a lot of support with different starter items and different supports I've come to think which is the ultimate gold income item? Some people say it's Nomad's Medallion, some still prefer the Targon's Brace, only AP supports seem to use Spellthief's Edge and even they don't use it properly.

So first let's discuss my favourite, the Spellthief's Edge/ Frostfang. It's the most efficient gold income item, but only if you use it properly.
So what is properly?
  • Spellthief's Edge only procs with auto attacks. The only way to benefit out of this item in addition to the passive gold income (which is poor) is to harass the enemy with auto attacks. You need a ranged hero and some balls to go and auto attack that Annie, but if you keep doing it, you'll have more gold income through harassing than through the passive of Spellthief's Edge. In addition you might even get a chance to kill the enemy when they're low hp!
  • The wrong way is to not auto attack, obviously. Fiddlesticks and Zyra supports have a habit of harassing with spells which is ok, but early game you need them auto attacks. If you can't do it, go with the Ancient Coin instead.
  • Frostfang procs with auto attacks and spells. SEPARATELY. Yes, if you hit a Hymn of Valor first, then hit an auto attack you get 8+8(+3 from Bandit ) gold. And it works for all enemies separately as well. If you play properly, you hit your Q, then you hit your auto attack on both enemy champions on bot lane. There you go, you're rich.
This is how you do it.

In the long run Frostfang is the most efficient gold item, but it depends a lot on a champion and how your harassing/teamfights are going. If you're playing an easy to harass champion like Sona (or Soraka) who can spam spells and/or auto attacks, you'll get gold easily and just go ahead and admit, everyone needs gold. Well, wants more likely and why not abuse the fact you can get more?

So what comes to champions like Zyra and Karma supports and even Annie support, they have relatively long cooldowns and the first 2 have "hard-to-hit" abilities so their gold income with Frostfang is more reliant on auto attacks rather than spell spamming.

Ofc, there is my other favourite (and the only good competitor to Frostfang, the Nomad's Medallion!
  • Ancient Coin gives money everytime a minion dies around you, so all you have to do is be on a lane. You'll get stable coins throughout the game by staying on lane - that however restricts you to be on the lane if you wanna be rich.
  • Nomad's Medallion allows you to stay in lane forever, because of the good regen. In addition to the gold gotten from dying minions, you'll get 2 gold/10 seconds additionally. Sounds good doesn't it?

So most people think the Nomad's Medallion > Frostfang and in some cases it is superior, but yet again it's very much related to which champ you play and against which champs.
For example, if I face a high-harass/high kill enemy lane, there's no way I'd start out with Spellthief's Edge, because if you can't harass, you don't get the money. However with Nomad's Medallion you'll get money just by sitting idle by the tower and not to forget that you actually have some sort of regen even if you get harassed there.

And here is the reality. Nomad's Medallion vs. moderate harassing Frostfang:
Early game Spellthief's Edge and Ancient Coin give roughly the same amount of coins with moderate harassing, but mid-game (or after getting Frostfang rather, that can happen early) Frostfang is superior to Nomad's Medallion goldwise. Late game if you have managed to get a gold income gap, the gap will stay.

Nomad's Medallion/ Talisman of Ascension at 23-24mins into the game:

Frostfang at 23-24 mins into the game:

As you can see, both items have their dependency:
- Frostfang is dependent on harassing with both auto attacks and spells, and hitting multiple enemies. Works with champs that have long range, short cooldowns and can stand some damage, for example Sona, Soraka and Nami. (I know they are squishy, but they can heal the damage they might take.)
- Nomad's Medallion is dependent on staying on a lane with enemy minions nearby. You don't have to do anything else than just sit there and enjoy the gold income. Leaves less time for roaming.

I know this more like a comparison between Nomad's Medallion and Frostfang, but I gotta say nowadays Targon's Brace isn't any good. Only melee people use it and even they can't use it all the time, because if they do, they get harassed. They get less gold anyway and I'd still prefer the Nomad's Medallion over Targon's Brace.