Hey there! are you stuck in the following; Bronze,Silver?
Well today is your lucky day!
Today I will be discussing how I got from bronze 2 to Diamond on PBE. PBE is a testing server that allows you to test new maps,items,champions... Before they get released on the regular servers!

So lets start out with how I got in bronze... I played ranked and Me and my teammates did poorly against the enemy team. I began to notice a lot of arguing,negativity,leaving in bronze. A lot of it was because someone didn't either 1. Get their way. I wanna talk about this if you're playing ranked and you do the usual banning,call lanes, plan team fights/team composition. There always seems to be that one person that calls a lane you want. Now there's when things start to hit each other. You want a lane that someone already called and is above your rank. Don't fight. It may sound hard but Just don't fight. Because this is what happens.

You start yelling and insulting the person that toke your lane and YOU start trouble. Then sooner or later your WHOLE entire team is arguing just because of 1 simple insult.
Just ignore it and play another lane. Besides the more positive your team is, the higher chances of you winning shoots like a rocket. Because, more focused on the game and being calm and knowing your team will do well, will increase the amount of gold you will get. And the more gold= more items= more objectives= victory.

Pretty much the same thing, but take note. If your team doesn't have at least a support or a filler then yeah, you might have to go support sadly... Remember what I said staying positive and staying focus means victory. Also you will have to step up your game with silver and take things to the next level. Try saying things like ''great job man'' or ''very good dude.''
DST is well... **** sucking theory. there once was said the more positive you are the more chances of winning anything with out losing anything. Is well kinda true here.
other wise silver was about the same as bronze but just you must be more skill full and try to focus on team objectives like baron,turrets and focus on enemy team members.

Pretty simple. There was A LOT of supports for me that was pretty much what I said in bronze/silver so they support me and my team very nicely and I honored them. They gave us kills for the ADC marksman APC middle and our jungle was what I wanna talk about.

Jungle in bronze was kinda difficult. Not because of the champion you would play, but people would ask constantly for me if I was jungle for lane holds, ambushes, and to secure turrets or dragon. So you must be a team player, you must listen, and last, you must be doing what it takes to be positive. And not negative. Oh and p.s Theres was like nobody in gold. but A LOT in plat. So it evened it out.

Not only does it sound like its a bad thing.. but its a very bad thing....
You will not only fail the team, but the team will all fail and blame you for it. You will get reported/yelled at/drop elo.

By so far I think Plat was the hardest tier for me. A lot of pressure and skilled people. Not everyone that I played ranked with was in plat. Most of them were challengers since PBE had only about 2/3 of normal had. And most of the players was in plat. about 50-60 people per tier. (4,3,2,1) I just followed the team plan. Stuck with the plan. Farmed. Carried. And stayed positive. But this time, everyone was positive. I found mid lane in this rank very hard to play. People from teams on NA/EU were there.. Just to try out new champions and play then very well once they came on regular servers. So it was A huge step for me. yes I did fail a lot of series. But I did not give up. I had hope. And I played A lot of ADC and hyper carries sense the supports were about even with my marksman skills. After a few months I did it. I made it to diamond... Im silver on NA but I still try And I believe...

MY thanks to you.
I think by reading this WHOLE entire thing, you possibly might go up 1-2 ranks. I know you can do it!!! -NascarRacer NA