Views: 1885 What kind of League Of Legends player are you?
What Kind of League of Legends Player Are You?
I've been playing League of Legends since October of 2013. And since I started that day, I've made a lot of friends through League. Most are really competitive and some just play for fun. I play for fun. Almost every one of my friends play a champion in a lane that is fit for their champion. I'm not that kind of player. I'll take and play Wukong in bottom lane. Or Jinx middle lane. But this isn't about me. My point is that there are a lot of different ways of playing the game. And where as some prefer to play to win others play to have fun. (I prefer for fun, but that's besides the point.) Some people should calm down though when playing Normal and stop being so competitive. I'm a serious League player all the time but I play calmly and coolly. Let people in Normal matches play how they want. Basically what the point of this article is about, is that even if you are at the top of your game, don't bring the competitiveness outside of ranked. The reason I believe League was made was to make friends and have some good fun. So if you want to play top lane Jinx, go top lane Jinx.
Yeah this. In ranked I expect people to just try their best and play w/e they're good with. Doesn't have to be all meta imo as long as you're good at it.
I agree with you whole heartedly. Ranked Is for competitiveness.
You make me laugh. I understand that winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is. Being a whiny kid who hides behind the veil of "I play for fun" simply because you cannot cope with the skill on display by other people isn't going to garner you any followers. Play with the right attitude, or find other games where you're not going to ruin it for 4 other people who have been unfortunate enough to be teamed up with you. Custom games exist for people like you. Once you do garner the semblance of skill needed to play in any games which involves other individuals, feel free to join the mainstream. Till then, stay away - no one wants you.
The Logician
I am to understand that you think I am some whinny kid. Well I am very competitive and I understand where you are coming from. But where you are thinking I am complaining, I am not. I'm just stating my opinion. Nothing more, nothing less. Don't get me wrong I love to win. Wanting to win IS everything, but having a good time can also be a thing of the present.
If someone's just blowing it out their ***, I start making sarcastic quips unless **** is serious.
I don't like it when people screw off in games I'm playing seriously in, normals or otherwise. If you wanna run a troll bot lane, find some friends and run a premade team. Don't expect me to deal with your feeding Jax support nonsense when I'm legitimately trying to practice an ADC and said so in chat, that's not cool.
The moment someone screams "REPORT MY TEAM" in an ARAM game.
ARAM's been pretty ruined for me for a while now, people pretty much only go YES GALIO AND MALPHITE TANK THE TURRET LET'S KILL IT AT LEVEL 4.
In normals I don't care what you do. I'm just there to blow off steam/have some fun. I sometimes use normals to practice champions I'm not comfortable on. However, the second someone brings this attitude to ranked is when I start to get pissed off. Ranked should be for try-harding. I stay current on OP champions and I only bring champs that are strong and that I'm comfortable on to ranked. I expect my teammates to do the same. If you 1st time someone in ranked and your match hist has 0 games played on that hero I'm probably going to report you. You assisted the enemy team by bringing a hero you weren't comfortable on to ranked. If you try to 'break the meta' in ranked I will also report you no matter how you do in game. Normals, go nuts play 4 bot for all I care...
Yeah this. In ranked I expect people to just try their best and play w/e they're good with. Doesn't have to be all meta imo as long as you're good at it.
Speak for yourself. I'd much rather have people in my games who are actually enjoying themselves than people like you who probably spend all their games complaining and whining at other peoples mistakes.
If only more normal games went this way.
Speak for yourself. I'd much rather have people in my games who are actually enjoying themselves than people like you who probably spend all their games complaining and whining at other peoples mistakes.
^this. Especially in normal games.
Playing Bankplank whilst playing Hearthstone with ^ this frigging prat jungling as Teemo.
No one gave two ****s about the outcome. It was just a bit of fun, holy ****. I might agree if it was ranked and I was laddering seriously, but damn, I don't have to care about this ****ty blind pick mode where everyone and their pet budgies play OP FOTM.
Once you do garner the semblance of skill needed to play in any games which involves other individuals, feel free to join the mainstream. Till then, stay away - no one wants you.
Speak for yourself. I'd much rather have people in my games who are actually enjoying themselves than people like you who probably spend all their games complaining and whining at other peoples mistakes.
If you can't fit into your tiny head the concept of people playing for fun and not giving two ****s about the game's outcome that's your own problem. I've played many a games where the outcome meant nothing to me (e.g. "If you're gonna support with Mordekaiser then I'm going Anivia adc, let's see where this goes" or "Lets play **** champs only" or "Time for Ultimate Bravery")