Hello guys! I'm a bronze 1 adc/supp main trying to work my way up toward the promised land of the bling level! League is by far my favorite game, not only for the gameplay, but for the people I play the game with.

I know there's a stigma involved with the people who play league. I've heard it directly from game developers that are friends of mine and work for companies up in Seattle (not going to name names).

My girlfriend had just graduated from law school, and our friend had flown down from Seattle to see it and be supportive! She works for a well known gaming company, so of course I asked her if she was working on any moba type games. I also asked if she played any, and what she thought of league of legends.

Her response summed up was, "I'll play only with friends or against bots. Because the league community doesn't regard new players too highly, and is extremely hostile toward them. You have no chance to learn the game and get better without people flaming you so hard that it's a turn off."

I think it's a shame that she only sees that side of the community, because I would say that about 80% of the community are decent players who don't do any of that. It's a shame that 20% of people ruin this game for new players. I also think it's just interesting that a game developer and enthusiast would be turned off not because of the gameplay, (which she really loves), but because the people are ridiculous.

I'm just curious as to get people's thoughts on this. I know that League is a popular game, the most watched streams on twitch etc. And I know it's going to be tough to control the flamers (there's usually one in every match). But has anyone experienced any of the same? Have you tried to get a friend, girlfriend, relative, to play the game with you only to have them not like the game because people won't give them a chance to learn without calling them some derogatory phrases?

Thanks guys and have a good week!

Crator Maker