Hello everyone this is my first blog and definitely not my last time permitting. There are a few tips I want to share with players wanting to get to gold but feel as if they are getting caught in the legendary elo hell.

First thing is first, get comfortable with a champion and focus on getting good with that champion.

If you notice when you watch streamers they hardly deviate from their comfort picks when they are going through their promotional matches. You should get into this habit as well. I suggest playing normal games with your champion of choice so you can identify the poor match-ups, or matches you do poorly in and maybe even document them so you can have a little cheat sheet when you go into ranked lobbies and have the opportunity to counter-pick.


I see this so much in soloq X champion counters Y champion, so you should pick that right?

the answer is NO, only play it if you are comfortable with it.

For example its common knowledge that Lee Sin does great against Kha Zix, but its also well know that lee sin is a very high skill capped champion, whereas Kha Zix is easier to play. If you are not familiar with Lee Sin you will give the opponent an opportunity to outplay you thus resulting in a loss. While this is an example given in jungle match-ups the same is a possibility in the adc spectrum.

So, what I did to reach gold 5 and get myself to a point where I can receive season end rewards, is pick a well rounded adc champion and study my match-ups so that I can comfortably pick Lucian, or Corki, or Ezreal into most match-ups and have an favorable outcome.

Find your well rounded champion and practice it ALOT.
Also know your weaknesses as a player.

I identified that I have an issue with farming under tower well into the beginning of the season, so what I did to practice this is play a normal in which I let their adc push me into tower for a large amount of the game. By doing this I said to myself if I can get 75% of the wave in most of my games I will be happy with the result, missing 1 or 2 per wave is to be expected when you are under tower. But in most cases if the wave hits it just right you can easily get 100% of the wave granted you know your champion well enough. Most adc champions have no problem last hitting under tower with once they get at least 1 ad item, (pickaxe, more dorans blade or what have you). In the beginning know that melee minions in full health can take 2 hits from the tower and you can hit them for the last hit after that. Caster minions take 1 hit from the tower, 1 from your support and then one from you in most cases. So if you are don't trust your support will help you with the last hits under tower, make it a point to safely poke down the caster minions if you want those last hits early.

So that is just one aspect of the entire game that you can improve on. Find what aspects you have problems with and improve on them.

Most people in silver have a grasp on lane mechanics but not too great of mechanic skills or the mechanics of objective controls and team fight mechanics. As an adc you should know that you are squishy and capable of dying in mere seconds if you get caught out of position rendering you useless in the team fight. Therefore you must realize that you need to stay on the outside of team fights poking down targets with auto attacks, not engaging fights or being the front-line in most cases. I see this happen so much where an adc gets fed and things they can take on the whole team and not have to worry about a thing. Because of how squishy you are, a single cc can mean your death in late game. Don't get into the habit of being in the front line until you are comfortable with your reaction speeds to their cc's. Positioning is the most important aspect of team fight mechanics as an adc.

To go on a bit of a tangent here, I want to talk about some lane match-ups I experienced in solo and duo q with my partner Hawquin, a gold V player now because of some teamwork that can be found in solo q as well.

The Lucian and Braum lane is amazingly good and was even showcased in the Season 4 World Championship. The reason this lane is so good is because of the passives of Braum and Lucian. Since lucian's passive makes it so you auto attack twice after using a skill it makes it extremely easy to stun targets hit by Braum. If you can imagine what happens when braum lands his q, and lucian uses his e to follow up that q all it takes is two autos to stun vs other lanes where it would take 3 to pop it. when the target is stunned you follow up with a q and the target cannot dodge the lucian q with another followed lucian passive = a very low health target. Using purely this combo, even losing match-ups can end in a win in lane just by pure teamwork mechanics with lucian and braum. More often then not this combo is banned in soloq but if its ever open take it if you are comfortable with those champions.

I also got used to the matchups that normally net a negative turnout and realized what I could do to outplay them. The biggest counter I feel to lucian is something that has large amounts of burst or a reliable cc to stop his advances.

More on this later! Hopefully you read the couple of tips I laid out and improve your gameplay!