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Pantheon Ability (LoL): Aegis Protection

Aegis Protection Pantheon

Pantheon Ability: Aegis Protection
After attacking or casting spells 4 times, Pantheon will block the next tower or champion basic attack.

Pantheon's Abilities

Pantheon Ability: Aegis Protection Pantheon Ability: Aegis Protection Pantheon Ability: Aegis Protection Pantheon Ability: Aegis Protection
Aegis Protection is used by Pantheon

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Drakinite (16) | February 19, 2012 8:40pm
It will block parrrley, it will block siphoning strike, hell it will even block sonas passive, but it wont block mystic shot because its a spell. Basically it blocks any auto attack, and anything that activates with that attack. IE it will block vorpal spikes from activating if cho attacks you when ur passive is up, but on the next attack the spikes will activate. Additional effects DO apply tho. IE. gangplank parrrleys you, the damage is blocked, but u still get his passive on you.

-edit- It appears I'm wrong, it WILL block the dmg from mystic shot...
Tabka | January 12, 2012 10:56am
Does it blocks the Gangplank's Parrrley or Ezreal's Mystic Shot? (it applies on-hit effect)
Brolly | January 28, 2011 2:06pm
it can't cover u all the time. Because if the enemies get AS too u'll be history ^^
killer-94 | December 4, 2010 11:21am
the coolest thing with that ablit is that if i want to get atack speed , that ablity can cover me for all the time
ExamplePrime (33) | October 6, 2010 8:13am
A sexy passive
Blocks tower shots allowing for quick tower diving
Makes Pantheon a pain in the *** to kill
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