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Riven Ability (LoL): Blade of the Exile

Blade of the Exile Riven

Riven Ability: Blade of the Exile
Cooldown: 120 / 90 / 60
Riven's sword reforms, giving her a bonus 25% attack damage, extended range on her damaging abilities and basic attacks for 15 seconds. She is also granted the ability to use Wind Slash once for the duration.

Riven's Abilities

Riven Ability: Blade of the Exile Riven Ability: Blade of the Exile Riven Ability: Blade of the Exile Riven Ability: Blade of the Exile
Blade of the Exile is used by Riven

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robobotrover | January 24, 2013 7:03pm
As Phreak says, Tons of Damage!!
xBlindWolf | August 30, 2012 8:15am
Great ult, low cooldown and very useful :D
Gorefury (2) | April 1, 2012 7:13am
I agree, so many kills taken because of this.
Raikkonen (1) | March 21, 2012 5:27am
The best ultimate for me!!! can easily kill every champion below 10% of their health and has an amazing cooldown!!!!!!
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