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Talon Ability (LoL): Blade's End

Blade's End Talon

Talon Ability: Blade's End
Talon's abilities wound champions for a short duration, stacking up to three times. When Talon basic attacks a fully wounded target, they bleed for 80-280 (+2.1 per bonus attack damage) physical damage over 2 seconds (levels 1-11). Talon's abilities will also wound all monsters for 110% damage.

Talon's Abilities

Talon Ability: Blade's End Talon Ability: Blade's End Talon Ability: Blade's End Talon Ability: Blade's End
Blade's End is used by Talon

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ShinoOmoQlen | December 7, 2016 1:29pm
they should make it both 3 abilitys hit or basic hits cause talons basic attacks are slow anyways.
KillerNeko (13) | December 7, 2013 2:18am
You call that Mercy....?

It should be called Mercy if the passive is something like : Talon deals 10% additional damage with his autoattacks to any target with health bellow 25%.
TKDbeast (3) | May 25, 2013 5:48pm
The title of this passive is completely ironic.
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