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Fizz Ability (LoL): Chum the Waters

Chum the Waters Fizz

Fizz Ability: Chum the Waters
Range: 1300
Cooldown: 100 / 85 / 70
Cost: 100
Fizz launches a fish that attaches to the first champion hit. The victim is afflicted with true sight and slowed by between 40% to 80% based on how far the fish travelled before attaching. After 2 seconds a shark erupts on the target, knocking up the target with the fish for 1 second, knocking back everything else, and dealing between 150 / 250 / 350 (+80% of ability power) to 300 / 400 / 500 (+120% of ability power) magic damage based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.

Fizz's Abilities

Fizz Ability: Chum the Waters Fizz Ability: Chum the Waters Fizz Ability: Chum the Waters Fizz Ability: Chum the Waters
Chum the Waters is used by Fizz

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macspam | December 5, 2017 9:43pm
Twitch can kill squishies with even the close-range (lower-power?) ult under tower, it's incredibly annoying.
erniseses | November 16, 2011 9:32am
i hate this ulti i played against this chano and managed to die then i went to base:(
Freadz | November 16, 2011 3:27am
Yarr me maties!
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