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Orianna Ability (LoL): Clockwork Windup

Clockwork Windup Orianna

Orianna Ability: Clockwork Windup
Orianna's autoattacks deal additional 10-50 (+15% of ability power) magic damage every hit, this amount increases every level. Subsequent attacks on the same target within 4 seconds will add 20% more damage per hit. This bonus stacks up to two times.

Orianna's Abilities

Orianna Ability: Clockwork Windup Orianna Ability: Clockwork Windup Orianna Ability: Clockwork Windup Orianna Ability: Clockwork Windup
Clockwork Windup is used by Orianna

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XLegendaryFuryX | May 10, 2012 12:11pm
I like this passive a lot especially when in the mid lane it helps you farm and it also can fill that gap between spell casts
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