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Skarner Ability (LoL): Crystallizing Sting

Crystallizing Sting Skarner

Skarner Ability: Crystallizing Sting
Skarner's damaging spells apply Crystal Venom the enemies for 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.

Attacking an enemy with 3 stacks consumes them to deal 15 + (5 × Skarner's level) bonus magic damage and stun the target for 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 seconds. Skarner cannot apply Crystal Venom to his target for 6 seconds after he stuns them.

Skarner's Abilities

Skarner Ability: Crystallizing Sting Skarner Ability: Crystallizing Sting Skarner Ability: Crystallizing Sting Skarner Ability: Crystallizing Sting
Crystallizing Sting is used by Skarner

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ThuNinjas | August 18, 2011 5:45am
this is the best ability i have ever seen in my entire life
put this as everyone else's passive and they will be OP
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