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Amumu Ability (LoL): Cursed Touch

Cursed Touch Amumu

Amumu Ability: Cursed Touch
Amumu's basic attacks and ultimate apply a curse for 3 seconds, causing 10% of all magic damage dealt to the target (before resists) to be dealt again as true damage. Basic attacks and Despair refresh the curse duration.

Amumu's Abilities

Amumu Ability: Cursed Touch Amumu Ability: Cursed Touch Amumu Ability: Cursed Touch Amumu Ability: Cursed Touch
Cursed Touch is used by Amumu

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Colgate | November 28, 2013 6:21pm
Cursed touch, sorcerer's, blacsfire torch, abyssal scepter, void staff, marks, quints and masteries... sounds like very much magic damage.
M7SD | August 9, 2012 3:31pm
Best passive for ap mages.
TwitcherBrain (37) | April 7, 2012 2:34pm
Useful, if in team many AP-damagers, including Amumu himself. Use Cursed Touch before spells. Gives to you many bonuses.
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