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Evelynn Ability (LoL): Dark Frenzy

Dark Frenzy Evelynn

Evelynn Ability: Dark Frenzy
Cooldown: 15
Cost: 40
Passive: Evelynn's spell hits on enemy Champions reduce the cooldown of Dark Frenzy by 1 second.

Active: Evelynn removes all slows affecting her, ignores unit collision, and gains 30/40/50/60/70% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.

Champion kills and assists refresh Dark Frenzy's cooldown.

Evelynn's Abilities

Evelynn Ability: Dark Frenzy Evelynn Ability: Dark Frenzy Evelynn Ability: Dark Frenzy Evelynn Ability: Dark Frenzy
Dark Frenzy is used by Evelynn

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kakakaan | March 8, 2013 4:43pm
Supeeerrr when you know how to use it :D
TremorMK (5) | July 29, 2012 2:26am
Brutall Champion
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