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Trundle Ability (LoL): Decompose

Decompose Trundle

Trundle Ability: Decompose
Range: 1000
Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he heals for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 % of their maximum health.

Trundle's Abilities

Trundle Ability: Decompose Trundle Ability: Decompose Trundle Ability: Decompose Trundle Ability: Decompose
Decompose is used by Trundle

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Sandoxio (9) | November 7, 2012 11:13am
what's the range?
TwitcherBrain (37) | August 31, 2012 8:51am
Trundle can be picked Solotop or Jungler with that ability. Every time he lasthit creeps he recover nice portion of HP on solotop(because tons of creeps), little, but O.K. in jungle.
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