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Ryze Ability (LoL): Desperate Power

Desperate Power Ryze

Ryze Ability: Desperate Power
Range: 200
Cooldown: 50
Passive: Ryze gains 10 / 20 / 30% cooldown reduction.

Active: Ryze becomes supercharged for 6 seconds, gaining 15 / 20 / 25 % spell vamp, causing his spells to deal 50% AoE damage, and granting him 80 movement speed.

Ryze's Abilities

Ryze Ability: Desperate Power Ryze Ability: Desperate Power Ryze Ability: Desperate Power Ryze Ability: Desperate Power
Desperate Power is used by Ryze

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Bluestorm 93 | January 13, 2011 12:53am
It's an great skill for quickly take out multiply targets as it deals AoE damage. Try to use Ryze stun before you use his ultimate for a sure kill ;)
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