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Pyke Ability (LoL): Gift of the Drowned Ones

Gift of the Drowned Ones Pyke

Pyke Ability: Gift of the Drowned Ones
Range: 1500
Pyke stores 10% (+0.25% per 1 lethality) of damage taken from champions, increased to 45% (+0.5% per 1 lethality) when there's more than one enemy nearby. Pyke can store up to 80 (+8.0 per bonus attack damage) damage. While unseen by enemies, he rapidly regenerates this stored damage.

Additionally, Pyke converts all maximum health increases to attack damage instead at a rate of 14 health to 1 attack damage.

Pyke's Abilities

Pyke Ability: Gift of the Drowned Ones Pyke Ability: Gift of the Drowned Ones Pyke Ability: Gift of the Drowned Ones Pyke Ability: Gift of the Drowned Ones
Gift of the Drowned Ones is used by Pyke

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