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Sion Ability (LoL): Glory in Death

Glory in Death Sion

Sion Ability: Glory in Death
After being killed Sion will reanimate himself allowing him to move and attack, but his health rapidly decays while he is reanimated. He also gains 100% life steal, attacks extremely fast, and his attacks deal an additional 10% max health as physical damage. Does 60% reduced damage to structures in frenzy form.

All of his abilities are replaced with Death Surge, which grants him a burst of movement speed.

Sion's Abilities

Sion Ability: Glory in Death Sion Ability: Glory in Death Sion Ability: Glory in Death Sion Ability: Glory in Death
Glory in Death is used by Sion

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Nieque (1) | January 25, 2016 2:31am
Does items works well with passive? I mean, can AS be changed? Or can Sion crit after death? Or slow with frozen mallets's passive?
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