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Dr. Mundo Ability (LoL): Goes Where He Pleases

Goes Where He Pleases Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo Ability: Goes Where He Pleases
Cooldown: 60 / 15
Dr. Mundo resists the first Immobilizing effect that hits him, instead losing 3% of his current health and dropping a chemical cannister nearby for 7 seconds. Moving over it reduces this ability's cooldown by 15 seconds and restores 4% of his max health. Enemy champions moving over the cannister destroy it.

Dr. Mundo regenerates 0.4-2.5% max health every 5 seconds.

Dr. Mundo's Abilities

Dr. Mundo Ability: Goes Where He Pleases Dr. Mundo Ability: Goes Where He Pleases Dr. Mundo Ability: Goes Where He Pleases Dr. Mundo Ability: Goes Where He Pleases
Goes Where He Pleases is used by Dr. Mundo

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IcyAuron (23) | December 3, 2014 11:29am
I would've hated to see the game back on Oct. 6th, 2010. Mundo not a tank? What? Mundo's more of a tank than almost any other champ.
TwitcherBrain (37) | April 7, 2012 2:09pm
Really useful passive, that allow Mundo be a nice tank. More better, that Garen Passive, because Garen regen out-combat. Mundo healed always. With Mundo Ult, Spirit Visage, Force of nature, Warmog, we will recieve very big HP regen.
Mastarwe (41) | December 30, 2010 4:56am
You shouldn't underestimate it. Include Spirit Visage, and it will become higher. It also fits Mundo extremely well, since his major thing is hp-regen.

About building Mundo as a tank, he is extremely nice as OT (or even MT) and you don't build him as a tank because of the passive, but because of his ability to hurt a lot even without having a lot of gear that increases AD.
ExamplePrime (33) | October 6, 2010 8:09am
Mediocre passive
Often causes people to build Mundo like a tank however when he doesn't fit that role very well
This is per second though so its 1.5% per 5 seconds
1000 hp - 15 hp/5sec or 3 hp/sec
2000 hp - 30 hp/5sec or 6 hp/sec
3000 hp - 45 hp/5sec or 9 hp/sec
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