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Gangplank Ability (LoL): Grog Soaked Blade

Grog Soaked Blade Gangplank

Gangplank Ability: Grog Soaked Blade
Gangplank's basic attacks apply a poison debuff for 3 seconds that can stack up to 3 times. Each stack deals 3 + (1 x level) magic damage per second and slows the target by 7%.

Gangplank's Abilities

Gangplank Ability: Grog Soaked Blade Gangplank Ability: Grog Soaked Blade Gangplank Ability: Grog Soaked Blade Gangplank Ability: Grog Soaked Blade
Grog Soaked Blade is used by Gangplank

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TremorMK (5) | July 29, 2012 5:03am
If GP dies poison will end his work
Syther Blade (32) | June 5, 2012 5:06pm
great for csing
NinjaGinge (90) | January 9, 2012 12:12pm
"if opponent is chilled"
"if opponent is poisoned"

neither of which gp does

so no I doubt it
E.K. (1) | January 9, 2012 12:10pm

Does it work with Anivia's Frostbite or Cassiopeia's Twin Fang
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