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Ashe Ability (LoL): Hawkshot

Hawkshot Ashe

Ashe Ability: Hawkshot
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 5
Ashe sends forth a hawk to grant vision for 5 seconds anywhere on the map. It also reveals the area around it as it flies.

This ability has 2 charges (90 / 80 / 70 / 60 / 50 recharge time).

Ashe's Abilities

Ashe Ability: Hawkshot Ashe Ability: Hawkshot Ashe Ability: Hawkshot Ashe Ability: Hawkshot
Hawkshot is used by Ashe

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Majorkazgemini1996 | May 3, 2019 10:32am
Frost bite and hawkshot of cool down
| February 12, 2014 12:17pm
SeaofGioy wrote:

wasn't it different before the last patch? like you would get 3 gold every time you attacked a champion?

No, you got 1,2,3,4,5 depending on the level. Also the cooldown wouldn't get reduced.
SeaofGioy (1) | February 12, 2014 12:10pm
wasn't it different before the last patch? like you would get 3 gold every time you attacked a champion?
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