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Singed Ability (LoL): Insanity Potion

Insanity Potion Singed

Singed Ability: Insanity Potion
Cooldown: 100
Cost: 100
Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him 30 / 65 / 100 bonus ability power, armor, magic resist and movement speed along with 6 / 12 / 18 bonus health regeneration and mana regeneration for 25 seconds. During this effect, Singed's Poison Trail also applies 25% grievous wounds for 1 second, refreshing every 0.25 seconds if still in poison.

Singed's Abilities

Singed Ability: Insanity Potion Singed Ability: Insanity Potion Singed Ability: Insanity Potion Singed Ability: Insanity Potion
Insanity Potion is used by Singed

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ProjectL (18) | November 22, 2012 5:51am
i say riot should update this icon. a random red icon does not fit along with green and yellow icons
Trogdor187 | October 25, 2010 11:09am
Once you hit lvl 6 fear is not an option!
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