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Irelia Ability (LoL): Ionian Fervor

Ionian Fervor Irelia

Irelia Ability: Ionian Fervor
Irelia gains a stack for 6 seconds when she hits an enemy with an ability (for a maximum of 4). She gains 7.5-25% attack speed per stack and at max stacks her attacks deal an additional 10-61 (+0.2 per bonus attack damage) magic damage (depending on level).

Attacking a champion or large monster refreshes the duration of the stacks. Irelia gains one stack per champion hit and one stack for hitting minions.

Irelia's Abilities

Irelia Ability: Ionian Fervor Irelia Ability: Ionian Fervor Irelia Ability: Ionian Fervor Irelia Ability: Ionian Fervor
Ionian Fervor is used by Irelia

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Aho_senpai | May 31, 2021 7:03am
the chaos bringer 00 (13) | December 30, 2012 2:19am
Best passive for anti-carries
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