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Mordekaiser Ability (LoL): Iron Man

Iron Man Mordekaiser

Mordekaiser Ability: Iron Man
Mordekaiser shields himself for 25% of the damage dealt from abilities, absorbing incoming damage (shield generation is only half as effective against minions).

The maximum shield strength is equal to 25% of Mordekaiser's maximum Health, while the shield decays by 1.5% of his base Health every second. Once the shield reaches 25% of its maximum value, it no longer decays.

Mordekaiser's Abilities

Mordekaiser Ability: Iron Man Mordekaiser Ability: Iron Man Mordekaiser Ability: Iron Man Mordekaiser Ability: Iron Man
Iron Man is used by Mordekaiser

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Undefeated | September 26, 2011 11:03am
Because of this last uptade this passive is almoust half as strong as before. You can find it useless some times because you can't cover so much damage. It's true that passive is still working same on champions but is half so effective on minions. Since all of your abilities are for farming you coudl say that the shield is still coming up but it looks like non to before.
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