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Shen Ability (LoL): Ki Barrier

Ki Barrier Shen

Shen Ability: Ki Barrier
Cooldown: 11
After casting a spell, Shen gains a 47-120 (+13% per bonus health) shield for 2.5 seconds (10 second cooldown). Spells that successfully affect an allied or enemy champion reduce this cooldown by 4-8 seconds (depending on level).

Shen's power manifests as a spirit blade that he can control with abilities.

Shen's Abilities

Shen Ability: Ki Barrier Shen Ability: Ki Barrier Shen Ability: Ki Barrier Shen Ability: Ki Barrier
Ki Barrier is used by Shen

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Lodit24 | February 20, 2024 6:37am
(+12% per bonus health)
The way this is worded is a little confusing, since it sounds like 1 bonus HP increases the base shield value by 12%. I think it'd be better to write (+12% bonus health). Also if you remove the brackets you're left with "gains a 50 shield for 2.5 seconds", which sounds weird too. Probably would be good if the "a" is removed there so it sounds smoother.
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