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Jayce Ability (LoL): Lightning Field / Hyper Charge

Lightning Field / Hyper Charge Jayce

Jayce Ability: Lightning Field / Hyper Charge
Mercury Hammer Passive: Jayce's Hammer attacks grant 15 / 17 / 19 / 21 / 23 / 25 mana.

Mercury Hammer Active: Jayce creates an electric aura dealing 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 (+25% of ability power) magic damage over 4 seconds.

Mercury Cannon: Jayce overcharges his cannon, gaining maximum attack speed for his next 3 attacks. These attacks deal 70 / 78 / 86 / 94 / 102 / 110% physical damage.

Jayce's Abilities

Jayce Ability: Lightning Field / Hyper Charge Jayce Ability: Lightning Field / Hyper Charge Jayce Ability: Lightning Field / Hyper Charge Jayce Ability: Lightning Field / Hyper Charge
Lightning Field / Hyper Charge is used by Jayce

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Temzilla (211) | September 11, 2012 3:59pm
Editted this for clarity, used to say;
Jayce creates a field of lightning that damages nearby enemies for 100 / 170 / 240 / 310 / 380 (+100% of ability power) magic damage per second for 4 seconds.

Which is incorrect, it deals that damage total over 4 seconds, not every second (He would deal 3000 damage with this ability every 6 seconds with 370 ap if this was true.)

Also, the cannon component to this skill has a separate cooldown, which i added at the bottom.
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