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Kindred Ability (LoL): Mounting Dread

Mounting Dread Kindred

Kindred Ability: Mounting Dread
Range: 500
Cooldown: 14 / 12.5 / 11 / 9.5 / 8
Cost: 50
Kindred weakens an enemy, slowing them by 30% (+5% per 100 ability power) for 1 second.

Kindred's third attack against the target within a few seconds of each other directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, dealing 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 plus (+0.8 per bonus attack damage) (+5% (+0.5% per Mark) of the target's missing health) as physical damage.

Wolf's pounce critically strikes for 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 plus (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) (+0.12 (+0.75% per Mark) of the target's missing health) as physical damage instead if they are below 25-75% health.

Kindred's Abilities

Kindred Ability: Mounting Dread Kindred Ability: Mounting Dread Kindred Ability: Mounting Dread Kindred Ability: Mounting Dread
Mounting Dread is used by Kindred

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The Lamb Champ (2) | April 5, 2018 6:04am
I am pretty sure it should be physical damage.
Jovy (954) | April 5, 2018 6:10am
you right. It's fixed, thanks! :)
The Lamb Champ (2) | April 5, 2018 7:00am
sure, no problem!
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