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Zyra Ability (LoL): Rampant Growth

Rampant Growth Zyra

Zyra Ability: Rampant Growth
Range: 850
Cooldown: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10
Zyra plants a Seed that lasts 60 seconds. These Seeds grant true sight of enemy champions that step on them for 2 seconds, but are still destroyed.

This ability has 2 charges with a 1 second recharge time. Killing an enemy reduces the recharge time by 35%. Champion takedowns, large jungle monster kills, and large minion kills reduce the recharge time by 100% instead.

Zyra's Abilities

Zyra Ability: Rampant Growth Zyra Ability: Rampant Growth Zyra Ability: Rampant Growth Zyra Ability: Rampant Growth
Rampant Growth is used by Zyra

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Hopesedge (8) | May 11, 2014 12:38am
Duccis wrote:

Also grants 4/4/8/16/20% Cooldown Reduction as passive.

Nerfed to 2/4/6/8/10% Cooldown Reduction.
Duccis | July 25, 2012 2:26pm
Also grants 4/4/8/16/20% Cooldown Reduction as passive.
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