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Renekton Ability (LoL): Reign of Anger

Reign of Anger Renekton

Renekton Ability: Reign of Anger
Renekton gains 5 fury per autoattack. When out of combat for 12 seconds, he loses 4 fury every second.

When Renekton is below 50% health he generates 50% more fury from all sources.

Renekton's Abilities

Renekton Ability: Reign of Anger Renekton Ability: Reign of Anger Renekton Ability: Reign of Anger Renekton Ability: Reign of Anger
Reign of Anger is used by Renekton

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Pricewashere (1) | July 26, 2012 2:13pm
Actually, contrary to popular belief, this doesn't give Renekton his rage bar, it makes it so whenever he has less than half health, he generates double the fury. This and the Maw of Malmorious make him quite effective at low health, much like Olaf.
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