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Kassadin Ability (LoL): Riftwalk

Riftwalk Kassadin

Kassadin Ability: Riftwalk
Range: 500
Cooldown: 5 / 3.5 / 2
Cost: 40 / 80 / 160 / 320 / 640
Kassadin teleports to a nearby location, dealing 70 / 90 / 110 (+50% of ability power) (+2% maximum mana) magic damage.

Each subsequent use of this ability within the next 15 seconds doubles the mana cost and deals an additional 35 / 45 / 55 (+10% of ability power) (+1% maximum mana) magic damage. The cost and damage increases can stack up to 4 times.

Kassadin's Abilities

Kassadin Ability: Riftwalk Kassadin Ability: Riftwalk Kassadin Ability: Riftwalk Kassadin Ability: Riftwalk
Riftwalk is used by Kassadin

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some nooby guy | October 27, 2013 3:59pm
Trallie wrote:

Everyone has lame avatars!

mines is baws
Trallie (1) | July 10, 2012 7:46am
Everyone has lame avatars!
Alvinoxify | December 29, 2010 4:02pm
LoL this is the most ninja ability ever! I love the dmg u get from überfeeds with ap build on kassadin just rift nuke rift and thats the way of the ninJA ;D
darkmercy05 | October 16, 2010 1:20pm
My precioussssss!
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