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Pantheon Ability (LoL): Spear Shot

Spear Shot Pantheon

Pantheon Ability: Spear Shot
Range: 600
Cooldown: 4
Cost: 45
Pantheon hurls his spear at an opponent, dealing 75 / 110 / 155 / 195 / 235 (+1.4 per bonus attack damage) physical damage. If Heartseeker Strike has been leveled up once, Spear Shot will crit to deal 150% damage against opponents whose current health is below 15% of their max health.

Pantheon's Abilities

Pantheon Ability: Spear Shot Pantheon Ability: Spear Shot Pantheon Ability: Spear Shot Pantheon Ability: Spear Shot
Spear Shot is used by Pantheon

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brianhyang (1) | November 6, 2010 9:11pm
My favorite harass ability XD
Duck (2) | November 3, 2010 10:10pm
I hate it when a spartan constantly harasses this early game. Beware squishys!
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