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Aatrox Ability (LoL): Umbral Dash

Umbral Dash Aatrox

Aatrox Ability: Umbral Dash
Range: 300
Cooldown: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Passive: Aatrox heals for 16% (+0.9% per bonus health) of post-mitigation damage he deals against champions.

Active: Aatrox dashes. He can use this ability while winding up his other abilities.

Aatrox's Abilities

Aatrox Ability: Umbral Dash Aatrox Ability: Umbral Dash Aatrox Ability: Umbral Dash Aatrox Ability: Umbral Dash
Umbral Dash is used by Aatrox

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ZeroXXIV | November 29, 2018 5:15am
Umbral dash only does 30% heals on champs and 5% heals on anything not a champion just so everyone knows.
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