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Yorick Ability (LoL): Unholy Covenant

Unholy Covenant Yorick

Yorick Ability: Unholy Covenant
Yorick's summoned ghouls deal 35% of Yorick's attack damage and have 35% of his total health. The Ghoul's health is reduced by 20% of their max health every second. In addition, Yorick takes 5% less damage and his attacks deal 5% more damage for each summon that is active.

Yorick's Abilities

Yorick Ability: Unholy Covenant Yorick Ability: Unholy Covenant Yorick Ability: Unholy Covenant Yorick Ability: Unholy Covenant
Unholy Covenant is used by Yorick

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EdySan (1) | January 11, 2012 3:46pm
when 3 ghouls hit at the same time = aditional 1 hit from you
Temzilla (211) | July 21, 2011 2:47pm

No point in health stacking unless your ghouls are getting beat on.
Wirrimee | July 21, 2011 2:34pm
So if I buy a Warmogs, then the ghouls wont live longer because it loses a percentage of health each sec?
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