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Malphite Ability (LoL): Unstoppable Force

Unstoppable Force Malphite

Malphite Ability: Unstoppable Force
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 130 / 105 / 80
Cost: 100
Malphite charges towards the target area, dealing 200 / 300 / 400 (+90% of ability power) magic damage, knocking enemies into the air and stunning for 1.5 seconds in 325 area around impact. Malphite cannot be interrupted during this charge.

Malphite's Abilities

Malphite Ability: Unstoppable Force Malphite Ability: Unstoppable Force Malphite Ability: Unstoppable Force Malphite Ability: Unstoppable Force
Unstoppable Force is used by Malphite

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ConnorHUN | May 28, 2013 11:06am
Best ult ever!
mast3ro (3) | December 6, 2012 8:45am
This skill is so good for teamfights.
dream888 | March 20, 2012 2:18am
I love it! Very good for stun or just escaping.
Nighthawk (684) | March 2, 2012 7:00am
Fixed @ Fiora patch.
EdySan (1) | January 11, 2012 3:44pm
best stun ultimate
TremorMK (5) | October 26, 2011 9:55am
Luv this charge!!!
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