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Nunu & Willump Ability (LoL): Visionary

Visionary Nunu & Willump

Nunu & Willump Ability: Visionary
After 5 basic attacks or upon recalling or respawning, Nunu's next spell has no mana cost and is upgraded by 1 rank.

Consume Rank 6: 1140 damage and 300 healing
Blood Boil Rank 6: 13% movement speed and 50% attack speed
Ice Blast Rank 6: 80 damage and 65% movement speed slow
Absolute Zero Rank 4: 1375 maximum damage

Nunu & Willump's Abilities

Nunu & Willump Ability: Visionary Nunu & Willump Ability: Visionary Nunu & Willump Ability: Visionary Nunu & Willump Ability: Visionary
Visionary is used by Nunu & Willump

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TremorMK (5) | July 29, 2012 2:58am
with consume and this you are perfect survival
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