In the current meta, I was scrolling through my available ADCs and wondering who to play and learn next. I ended up picking Varus after a couple of Kai'sa games and realised that Varus is underrated in my opinion. I wanted to try out every ADC and I wanted to know who is actually good with the new crit changes recently and the new 9.6 patch.

Ashe was the first champion I mained in League of Legends and I still play her from time to time. She has never really fallen out of the meta, she has seen a little pro-play, and she has been a stable pick for damage at all stages of the game. I would assume she is still a fairly stable pick, if not better in the current meta.

Caitlyn has had a winrate around 49 percent for a long time now yet has remained fairly popular in higher elo. The crit changes and recent ultimate buff should boost her effectiveness in the mid game which is her weakest point. She hasn't been a must pick in a long time and I doubt that it will happen again.

Draven is the champion I ban every game and that is because of his early game damage and trading ability. Even though most Dravens build bloodthirster first item, the new crit buffs will benefit his mid and late game and I can see him being even better.

They stopped people from building two tears in 9.6 and this has already significantly decreased Ezreal's late game and Ezreal does not build crit. Until people find a better build for Ezreal in the late game then I would take it as he may fall out of the meta.

There have always been two main ways to build Jhin: Lethality and crit base. The recent Jhin winrate has been fluctuating around 50 percent and he has been a fairly strong pick for a while, especally with the new crit.

The new crit changes have boosted Jinx a fair amount as she is a hypercarry. Her popularity and winrate have spiked recently and she is a good pick on this meta.

When I looked at Kai'sa's stats for the first time I was surprised because I thought Kai'sa was one of if not the best pick at the moment. Her winrate is currently 48.5 percent in high elo and her popularity has dropped recently. The new crit changes should have improved her overall but it hasn't really helped her with other ADCs being better also. Yet, from experience playing Kai'sa, once you reach the late game you are very strong in terms of burst and single target damage.

Kallista has been notorious for her early and mid game for a long time, and she has been fairly stable in the meta for both pro and normal play in season 9. Yet, her stats at the moment show a 44% winrate. If you like Kallista then she is a good pick but by looking at the winrate I wouldnt suggest her right now.

Kog'Maw is pretty good right now, as shown by his 52% winrate. The new crit changes have maximised his build potential in the mid and late game and he is now a far more efficient ADC. He seems to be a great pick in the current meta.

Many would consider Lucian to be the best early game ADC, rivalling that of Caitlyn, yet I can assume his winrate is so low because of his high popularity currently. Many people have picked up Lucian now because of his recent run in pro play and how good he was a few patches ago. He is still good with the new crit and in the meta.

Miss Fortune:
Miss Fortune has had a variety of build paths for a long time, either lethality, Arcane Comet or Crit. Now her crit path is very much a good choice for Miss Fortune, her winrate is on the rise and looks to be an underrated pick right now.

Sivir would always be built with crit, whether it was the old or the new, and with the new crit her waveclear and teamfight ability have spiked massively. She is played a fair amount in pro play and she offers a lot to a team comp.

Tristana has been a good ick for a long time, and she still is in this meta. She has great utility in a teamfight and is a good pick in the meta.

With the incredible late game power, twitch with the new crit reaches a new level of credibility in his mid and late game. Even though he still has a bad early game, it is far made up for in the late game and he is a great pick if you can hold on until late.

I was surprised to see Varus' winrate be so low at 48% because I thought he would have benefitted off of the new crit, but it doesnt appear so. When I played him earlier in the season he seemed to still be a fairly good pick in the mid game but it doesn't appear so.

Vayne is one of, if not the best, ADCs right now. His ban rate of 35.6% tells the entire story. From pro play to casual play, Vayne is an incredible power nearer the later stages of the game and can often carry from three items. Vayne is a very good pick for this meta.

Xayah has never been a stand-out carry on her own, she is always better when played with Rakan. This is why I dont suggest picking her right now without Rakan. There are lots of better ADCs to pick if your support is not Rakan and I would suggest using one of them.

Thank you for reading. All this information was collected between the 25-31 of March. Feel free to check out some of the other things I do for fun on this great website.