Ranked Blog 3/18

Game 6: Jarvan IV Jungle (Blue Side)

Started off well personally, got clean up kills, started 5/0/1. Decided to build damage, top lane Vlad had no damage. Ryze got beat hard mid by Panth, couldn't gank bot they were pushing too hard. Graves did well, but kept overextending and getting caught. They won a 4v5 team fight cuz Nid got caught out (Support Nidalee bad). They got Baron, took inhib, got baron again. Ended up winning that fight, but they just came again and ended.
First time getting really fed and building damage, but we just didn't have enough across the board.

End Result: Defeat -17 LP 81->64 6/5/8 193/167

Game 7: Vi Jungle (Purple Side)

First game Vi, started off really well, but then derped, got way too aggressive. Need to recognize who I am diving and if it is possible to kill and get away. One instance I dove Twitch under tower, but got locked up by Taric/Swain and died. 3/1/3 turned into 5/8/5, horrible turn of events. Other team pushed so hard with Singed/Swain, lost two inhibs. I needed to get tankier faster, went Lizard Elder/BC, would get melted as the front line. Next build will be Elder/Mallet then BotRK and Mallet. Never gave them Baron, turning point when Singed was pushing top inhib, other four bot inhib. I was stopping Singed, then Twitch went invis to try to kill me, team won the ensuing 4v3 bot, Kayle arrived just in time to ult me and we ace'd. Skip forward to Baron fight we had a great team fight, only Taric lived, we pushed/tanked and won the game. Huge throw by them, we had a toxic ADC, but pulled it out.
My Elder/BC build worked every game, and it worked early, but excited to new build after horrible results. Might be just because of this game, need to recognize my role in the team and build for that since I was the "tank" on the team.

End Result: Victory +17 LP 64->81 9/9/14 194/167

Game 8: Shyvana Jungle (Purple Side)

Picked Shyvana because they had Amumu, invaded their blue but they invaded ours as well. I didn't get the start I wanted, got behind because of invade. Amumu ganked mid, got first blood, mid got snowballed. Bot did well, but Amumu ganked there with 6, got two double kills. I played a horrible game, did not even counter jungler because didn't feel confident enough. Amumu wrecked the game. Need to work on different starts with Shyvana, just so used to power level to six, dominating other jungler, didn't work this game.
Humbled on my best champion, looks like I need practice.

End Result: Defeat -18 LP 81->63 0/3/2 194/168

Game 9: Jarvan IV Jungle (Blue Side)

What a game. Friendly Xin Zhao got absolutely wrecked by Jax. Couldn't even gank he was always either dead or recalling. Anyways Jax pushed all the way and took inhibitor at 19 minutes, don't know how he couldn't hold lane. I mean should have helped, but I was mid at the time defending another push. 25 mins in two inhibs gone, but friendly Ahri was super fed. All inhibitors down at least twice, fought off a baroned up team with no nexus turrets and super minions, won every team fight. Finally got inhibitor back, won another fight and took two ourselves. Baroned and pushed for the win. Insane game, kept dc'ing as well. Credit goes to 20+/6/20+ Ahri, but great teamwork all around, late game Tristana too strong. Got Locket, going to put it into my build from now on.

End Result: Victory +17 LP 63->80 6/5/27 195/168