Hey guys, with the recent release of patch 5.2 Jungle has had some new arrivals on the top list, here is my current tier list of best Junglers in the meta!

1. Jarvan
I have no clue what makes this guy so strong, he just is right now. He has an amazing mix of Tank, damage, and cc. Even when he falls behind, his passive and ult are so strong he is still an issue. Jarvan has seen a spike in ban and pick rate since the patch. Ban Jarvan whenever possible. The only con about this guy is his low sustain in the new jungle.

2. Rek'Sai
Ever since release this Void Burrower has been a menace to players. High sustain, damage, and tankiness are what make her super strong right now. If you cant ban J4, ban her, otherwise she will carry her team due to low counterplay. Cons: Tunnels take getting used to as a new player

3. Udyr
Nicknamed "Godyr" by the man Trick2G this beast is super viable. Sustain, tank damage, and the infamous Gates are just a few issues here. He can take Dragon at level 3/4 if they are experienced and will not hesitate to kill your whole team. No weak parts of the game, with tons of versatility, careful here! Not worth banning, but still a threat.
Cons: Hard to play, builds can be overwhelmingly complex

Other Junglers to consider: Vi, Ammumu, Lee Sin, Xin Zhao, Elise, Pantheon

As more patches come out more tier lists will be released, look back here whenever new patches come out!
